Simple marketing for regional small business & community not-for-profits.

Tell your story.
Connect with customers.
Have fun + give back.
That’s why we’re here.

We’re for uncomplicated marketing that makes sense in a small town, so you can grow the business you need to create the impact you’ve dreamed of.

Simple marketing for regional small business & community not-for-profits

 Marketing from the big smoke just doesn’t work ‘round here.

We get things are different in the sticks. Our customers respond to relationships, trust and authenticity. (Not flashy apps and zero-contact service).

We’ve developed what we believe are the must-haves in regional marketing. They allow you to share your story, give customers accurate information and keep them up-to-date with opportunities for you to serve them.

These strategies are designed for you to handle in-house on your own time either by yourself, with your business partner or even a staff member who wants to grow! Our vision is for SBOs to be independent of MIA service providers and metrics like ‘shares & follows’ that sound flash but just don’t pay the bills.

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It doesn’t stop there.

We’re constantly mapping out new ways to educate and empower rural small business owners and community organisations. And we know we can’t do it alone. We’re always on the lookout for similar small town visionaries who want to support more regional enterprise in becoming independent, tech-savvy and prosperous.

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 Small Businesses are the Heartbeat of our Regional Communities.

Small business owners & community organisations contribute an enormous amount to our lives - they mentor our young adults as they enter the workforce, donate their time to community sport and support local causes with generosity. Often whilst raising their own families and caring for loved ones.

We believe that when regional small businesses thrive, their communities flourish. Everyone wins.

Our mission at B2C is to support small business growth in regional areas by putting the control of marketing and promotion back in the hands of the owner. We use simple, jargon-lite strategies and user-friendly software to make connecting with customers simpler.

We want you to be able to spend less time stuck to your screen and more time on self-care, bringing your expertise to your town, present parenting and community engagement.

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Ready to stop clicking around with your marketing?

No more promoting your business or organisation at the mercy of algorithm changes and tech overwhelm. It’s time to connect with potential customers in a way that lights you up.